Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Terrorists Won

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

George W Bush....all I can hope is that in your last breath, you suffer and live the pain of what you sold your soul to.....oil, prosperity on earth...and you decieved christians, truly patriotic americans (not the ones you forced in to false patriotism) YOu won nothing....other than the award for being the most inhumane, self serving, corporate pawn and pig ever know in the united states Presidencey. You should be ashamed. You will toss this email aside..and I am sure there are mountians of email such as mine. But, you will pay in your last breath. You sold out sacrifice an entire country for your momentary POWER and WEATLTH...I only hope God will grant me a moment to have words with you at the gate before he opens the grate you will fall thru into hell. You are the GREATEST FAILURE this country the GREAT AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL--LAND O THE FREE WILL EVER SEE....Fuck you are not MY president. You are no better than a whore on the street who as sold out ....